He joined laboratories TRANSPHYTO in 1992, a start-up company created by Henri Chibret in 1978, with the mission to develop a new preservative free multidose primary packaging, the ABAK bottle. When Henri Chibret created Laboratoires Théa, Fabrice took the position of pharmaceutical pre-development manager and then took over the management of technological innovation. For more than 25 years, he has been dedicating to research in ophthalmological field highlighted by 15 family of patents covering new formulations, new devices and new Drug Delivery Systems. Since 2017, Fabrice has put all his experience in favour of Open Innovation and started managing professional alliance at different stages of business collaboration, from early stage to finetuning ophthalmic product design. Since 2021, Fabrice focused on identifying partnership opportunities in the field of Med Tech in order to guide Théa’s technological shift in the field of digital health, connected objects in health, including those involving artificial intelligence and sophisticated medical devices.